From the course: Strategic Thinking Tips to Solve Problems and Innovate

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- I want to congratulate you for crossing the finish line of this course, and for making an investment in your life and career. You can now see all of the videos of this course come together, and hopefully you are able to solve that original problem you wrote down in the beginning with all of the various methodologies we outlined together. We started with learning about how to ask the right questions, such as using the Five Whys Framework to get to the root cause of the problem. We then tapped into strategic thinking methods, including the 80/20 Rule, MECE Principle, Issue Trees, and Decision Trees, and we ended with communicating our solutions effectively by establishing trust with stakeholders and admitting when we don't know something. This course is not meant to be a one and done where you watch the videos in full and never refer back to them again. This is also not a one size fits all course. Tailor these…
