From the course: Strategic Thinking Tips to Solve Problems and Innovate

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Establish trust with stakeholders

Establish trust with stakeholders

- You spent weeks trying to solve a complex problem at work. After asking the right questions using the Five Whys framework, you identified the root cause of the problem. You used the 80/20 rule to maximize impact and organized your thinking with the MECE principle. You then created a beautiful issue tree, followed up with the decision tree, and you landed on the best course of action to address the pressing problem. After this, you hit a barrier. No one is on board with your proposed solution, since stakeholders don't trust you or the proposed solution. At the end of the day, you can utilize every framework in the book, but if you don't build trust with stakeholders, none of your solutions will ever be implemented. You need stakeholders to give their buy-in, support, share resources, and have confidence in the proposed solution. You need their trust. Let's dive into steps to establish trust with stakeholders, starting…
