From the course: Reverse Engineering Foundations: Product Design

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- As you've seen here, there are many tools to help you reverse engineer pretty much any type of part you have. If you have tools as simple as gauges, that are nothing more than go or no-go, there are highly precise measuring tools like calipers and micrometers, and lastly, highly advanced 3D scanners or touch probes that can capture the true shape of most parts. With these, you can easily produce an SDL that you can use for 3D printing, or even inspect back to your 3D CAD model to check for compliance. A few final words of advice, you may have to get creative with how you measure your parts, not everything is a box or a cylinder. So, with a little planning and the right tools, reverse engineering your parts is quite a lot of fun. Remember to think of reverse engineering like this, you're starting out with a finished puzzle, and now you have to figure out how it was put together.
