From the course: Reverse Engineering Foundations: Product Design

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Height gauge

Height gauge

- Another great measurement tool is a height gauge. For this demonstration, this table will suffice. But for really accurate measurements, you do need a granite surface plate. A height gauge is simply that, A gauge to measure how tall something is. On the flip side, you can also set a desired height to scribe out parts for manufacturing purposes as the tip is hardened. Please note, as with all devices that rely on a long support beam, the longer the beam you have, the less accuracy you may end up with. You want to make sure that the bottom face of the base is smooth, clean and flat. Otherwise you'll end up with discrepancies in your measurements. Some height gauges also have dials to help you get very small incremental changes as well. These also have a set screw to lock the specific height in for redundant measurements for scribing purposes. Please be careful with this as over tightening will cause this to strip out or loosening the threads. Not much pressure is needed to hold the…
