From the course: Reverse Engineering Foundations: Product Design

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Go and no-go gauges

Go and no-go gauges

- The last of the hand tools I want to discuss are go and no-go gauges. There are so many to choose from that I had to narrow the list down a bit. Most of these gauges are cut to premeasured thicknesses, shape, and sizes and are simply used in a go no-go fashion. It is critically important that you be careful of how you use these gauges. Oftentimes you're inserting or pushing a gauge into a hole or a slot. Forcing the gauge in could potentially cause damage to your part, the gauge, or both. You want to feel positive feedback but not force. In some cases it's a learned feel. For some tools you simply overlay the gauge and you have a look for how things fit. As an example, these feeler gauges are useful for measuring a slot or a gap on a spark plug. In this demonstration we'll be measuring the gap on this USB housing. Where measuring a small gap like this would be very difficult with most other hand tools. To get an accurate reading you need to feel your way up to the correct size and…
