From the course: Reverse Engineering Foundations: Product Design

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- Now that I'm ready to capture the scan data all I need to do is configure a couple things in the scanning software. First I adjust the brightness of the cameras. I need to make sure the cameras are able to see the part, so I need to adjust the exposure. I want to minimize the amount of red areas. Red means overexposure. But I also want to make sure the part is not too dim to be captured. Next, the turntable needs to be set to stop at increments. If I say four increments, it means the turntable will rotate 90 degrees between every stop. And then at every stop it performs a scan. With all of that said, all I need to do now is hit scan and let it run. When the scan is complete it's time to capture the other side. I flip my part, readjust the scanner and rescan. Once I'm happy with the data I've collected I process it and post it out as an STL. That STL can be brought into your CAD system of choice for you to do with it as you wish.
