From the course: Reducing Your Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

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The monkey mind is where basically you cannot get thoughts to stop and you're constantly going and churning. And one way to relax that monkey mind is to come into present awareness with your breath. Sometimes you have to just let the monkey play itself out. Allow those thoughts to come and go. And as you recognize, they're leaving. Bring in a new thought process and allow yourself the space. You know, sometimes you can be experiencing stress, and if you don't address that, you're experiencing stress that can only exacerbate it. So sometimes you have to name it and label it. And once you say I'm experiencing stress, then that monkey mind sort of goes away and you're able to manage your emotion in that moment a lot better. I really hope that you're able to find a technique or a couple of techniques that can work for you, so you can work throughout your day and enjoy your work, connect better with your colleagues, and really feel confident in the work atmosphere to be your best self and…
