From the course: Reducing Your Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

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Focus on your breathing

Focus on your breathing

Mindful breathing is really recentering your attention and putting it back into the breath. So that could be simply is watching your breath on the inhale and exhale. It could be counting your breath, but it's really tuning into the awareness of the breath. You could even focus on where the breath lands in the body, maybe at the back of the throat, the belly, the nostrils or the upper lip. And it's really bringing the attention back to the breath and your present awareness. We know scientifically, when we take three deep breaths, we activate the vagus nerve. And when we activate the vagus nerve, it allows for the Paris sympathetic nervous system to have the rest and digest response where it naturally calms the nervous system and you release positive neuro hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin. And these naturally bring you into a greater state of calm and trust. And so you could feel much more calm when you just take three deep breaths. What I really would love you to have is the…
