From the course: Reducing Your Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

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Compassion meditation

Compassion meditation

We're going to practice the metta meditation, which you'll say phrases to yourself in your mind. So I'd like you to sit or lie in a comfortable position, whatever is available to you. And as you get comfortable in your position, see if you can invite 10% more comfort into your body. Begin to close your eyes if that's comfortable to you, and if not centering your attention at the tip of your nose or offering a soft gaze right in front of you. Shift your awareness to your breath and we'll take three breaths together and I'll guide you through this. We'll go in and out, in and out. In and out. Allow the breath to land where it does. Now I want you to begin to imagine someone. When you think about them, they bring a giant smile to your face. And as you bring them into your mind. Imagine a radiant light shining on them with a glowing smile. I want you to shift your awareness and sending them warm wishes. And as you see them, imagine that light as you're sending them, well, intentions. And…
