From the course: Reducing Your Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

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Awareness of your environment

Awareness of your environment

Take a moment and relax and settle into your body. Get comfortable. Feel free to loosen any tight clothing or shoes. And now begin to settle in the present moment. You could close your eyes if that's available to you. And transition your focus and your attention to your breath as it flows from your nostrils to the back of your throat, reaches your sternum. And feel the expansion of the breath. See if you could send that breath deep into your belly. And let's do that for another two breaths. You'll follow my count. One, two. On the inhale. One, two. On the exhale. And again, inhale for one, two, and release. One, two. Now, I'd like you to focus your attention on your body. See if you feel any tension stuck. And imagine as you breathe, you're sending energy there to release that tension and just breathe. Let's transition your attention to yourself and really focus on releasing any tension that remains like maybe in your neck or your shoulders. And breathe. I'd like you to focus your…
