From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

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Using filters

Using filters

- [Instructor] To show reports on activities that suit your presentation, you can use filters to do so. I'm going to open up a project. To get into the filters form, you want to right click in the table area and select Filters. Here you can see the system comes with some filters that are often used to report on projects. The top five includes the critical activities, in progress, activities with milestone, not started activities, and the famous two week look ahead. I would like to make use of the milestone filter. I'm going to select it. Down below you're able to choose between two options to replace activities shown in the current layout or just highlight the activities. We're going to go with highlight activities, and select Apply to see the changes made. You can see that the system highlights the two activities that have a milestone activity type. I'll try out the other option, and select Replace activities shown in the current layout. Then, click OK to confirm. You will see here…
