From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

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Level of effort (LOE) activity

Level of effort (LOE) activity - Primavera Tutorial

From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

Level of effort (LOE) activity

- [Instructor] To show the Level Of Effort for a few activities, I'm going to open up the project, select, right-click, open. And under the recording WBS, I'm going to add a new activity by right-clicking on it and select add. I'm going to call this LOE Activity. Under the general tab, I'm going to assign an activity type of Level Of Effort. Now I'm going to switch over to the relationships tab and under the predecessor, I'm going to assign the Write Training Script as a predecessor. Exit form. And for the successor, I'm going to assign Record The Videos, exit form. Now for Write Training Script, for the relationship, I'm going to assign a start-to-start relationship as this allows it to recognize to start when Write Training Script starts. For the successor, I'm going to assign the finish-to-finish relationship as it recognizes to finish when Record The Videos finish. Once done, I'm going to select schedule or you can use F9 on your keyboard and schedule. You will see that the LOE…
