From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

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Maintaining the calendars

Maintaining the calendars

- [Instructor] Before adding activities to the project you want to take care of the calendars first. I'll go ahead and open up the project by selecting, right click, open. Now I'm going to go into my enterprise and select calendars. You need to make sure you're under the project radial as this calendar is going to be assigned to the project and not necessarily the resource or other projects. I'm going to click add to create a project calendar. And I'm going to copy the corporate standard full time. I'm going to give this a name of Kuks five days per week. Next I'm going to select modify and under here I want to make sure that I'm in the detailed work hours per day radial as I'm able to see the full format. Under inherit holidays and exceptions I want to select none as I don't want any holidays copied over. I'm going to go into my work week and for Monday through Friday I'm going to ensure that eight through 15 is a workday, which means that this ends at 4 p.m. For Saturday and Sunday…
