From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

Download and install Primavera P6 - Primavera Tutorial

From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

Download and install Primavera P6

- [Instructor] To download and install Primavera P6 Version 18, you want to go to Once in the site, you want to select New User? Register Here. Go ahead and fill in your information on the pop up form. Select Create Account. This should take you to a notification that says Check Your Email. Verify your email address to use this account. Go to your email and find the email from Oracle asking you to verify your email address. Select Verify email address. This should give you another pop-up that says, Success. Your account is ready to use. Once on the site, you want to type in again and select to sign in. This should give you a pop-up screen where you enter in your username and your password. Select Sign in and come to the main screen that asks you to search for an actual tool. Here, we're going to search for Primavera P6 Professional Project Management. Go ahead and select it. This should take you to a screen where you see different versions. We're going to select 18.8, Add to Cart. Once added to your cart, you can view it, and check out. This should take you to your screen where you can actually see the files that you are going to be downloading. As you notice, they're going to be ZIP files. Go ahead and select Download. You should have an option to select an actual location to download the files into. To make this easy, I'll download it into my Downloads Folder. Once you select that, it should go through the download process and I'm going to go to my Downloads folder where you can see the files that were downloaded in a zipped file. You can right-click on each of them to extract them to this exact location. Once you select extract, go ahead and make sure to extract all of the files. Next, we're going to go into the V978868 file, Select, and go ahead and click setup. We'll keep it as Typical and click Okay. Select to Install. This should give you a Windows notification asking you to verify the installation. Once done, you want to go ahead and run the database configuration, select OK. Here, where it says the driver type, you want to select the drop down and select the Pro Standalone (SQLite). Select Next. We're going to add a new standalone database and connection. Select Next. And for the password, we're going to go ahead and type in admin to make it easy to remember. We're going to confirm new password as admin and you will notice here that my Login Name is admin as well. Go ahead and select Next. I'm going to choose to load the sample data which will have a few projects for you to practice with. Once you select Next, you should have a notification saying Connection Successful. I'm going to select to Finish. Now, what I'm going to do here is go ahead and search for Primavera P6 as you can see here, I have Primavera P6 Professional 18 You want to go ahead and click on this, which should bring up a pop-up on your screen. As for the Login Name, do you remember? It was admin. My password is admin as well. I'm going to select Connect. And voila. You now have the system installed in your computer.
