From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Sculpting with Liquify as a smart filter

Sculpting with Liquify as a smart filter - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

Sculpting with Liquify as a smart filter

- [Instructor] Here I want to look at how we can use the Liquify filter as a Smart Filter. I also want to highlight another tool that we can use in order to sculpt or to change the shape in our photograph. When you're working with Liquify as a Smart Filter, the first thing that you need to do is to convert your layer to a Smart Object Layer. There are two ways to do that. You can either click in the layer and right-click or ctrl+click, then choose Covert to Smart Object, or you can always just go to the Filter pull-down menu here and then choose Convert for Smart Filters. Either way it does the exact same thing. So, click on the layer, Filter, Convert for Smart Filters. When you choose that menu item, this dialog will open up and it just says to enable re-editable Smart Filters, the selected layer will be converted into a Smart Object. What that means is that it gives you flexibility so that you can re-edit or you can change your mind or change your settings after the fact. That's…
