From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Harnessing the magic of Content-Aware Fill

Harnessing the magic of Content-Aware Fill - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

Harnessing the magic of Content-Aware Fill

- [Instructor] Are you ready to see another tool or technique that we can use to clean up our photographs? Well, here goes. In this one, we'll look at how we can use what's called Content-Aware Fill. Now, the first step of using this technique is to duplicate your Background Layer, so we'll click on the Background Layer and drag this down to the new Layer icon, then double click the Layer name and rename it, call it Clean up. Next step is to choose one of our selection tools. The one which I'll use is the lasso tool, and we want to zoom in a little bit, so press Command + plus on a Mac or Control + plus on Windows. When we zoom in, we want to start to analyze the area that we want to work on and make a selection around an object or something that we want to minimize or get rid of. Here, I've made a selection of this part of the branch, that's step number one. Step two is to go to the Edit pulldown menu, and here we're going to click on the menu item Fill. Notice it says Fill...…
