From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Improving skin with Camera Raw and Photoshop

Improving skin with Camera Raw and Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

Improving skin with Camera Raw and Photoshop

- [Instructor] Most post-production workflows these days begin with an application like Lightroom, or Camera Raw. And then we finish things off in Photoshop. So here let's talk about how we can start in Raw and then finish in Photoshop. Here we have a full resolution Raw file open in Adobe Camera Raw. It's pretty close to the way it appeared straight out of the camera, minus a few minor adjustments, and before you get to the detail work, you want to make sure all of your adjustments are exactly where you want them. Let me illustrate this just for a moment. So if I increase my exposure, can you see how we really lose all the detail in the skin? If I decrease it, well now we notice even more blemishes. So again, you want to make sure your settings are exactly where you want them. Your exposure, contrast, clarity, sharpness, you get the gist. All right, well next, you zoom into one to one view, and in Camera Raw, which is where I am now, double click the zoom tool. In Photoshop, what you…
