From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Removing lint

Removing lint

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at a technique which is really helpful when you need to deal with a lot of little, small distracting elements. In particular, let's look at how we can retouch away lint on a t-shirt. Here in this photograph, from a distance it looks fine, yet if we double click the zoom tool to go to 100 percent, and then look down at the t-shirt, what we'll discover here, and let me zoom in even further so you can see this, is we have all of this little lint here on the shirt. How can we clean that up? Well we could, of course, use a tool like the spot healing brush, and with the spot healing brush we could go through this piece by piece and remove all the lint, but that would just take forever, right? There has to be a better way. Well, there is, and what we're going to do is we're going to use a filter. So here, let me find a zoom right so you can actually see this, maybe right around there. We'll duplicate the background layer, so click and drag this to the new…
