From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

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Select elements by attributes with element selection

Select elements by attributes with element selection - MicroStation Tutorial

From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

Select elements by attributes with element selection

- [Instructor] In addition to selecting elements graphically, the Element Selection tool also allows you to select elements based on their attributes such as, color, level, element type, class, line style, line weight, template, material, or by text style. In this lesson, you will learn Element Selection by Color, Element Selection by Level, Element Selection by Element Type, and Element Selection by Text Style. Continuing in, selecting elements.dgn open the element creation model, select elements selection with the following tool settings method individual, mode new expand the tool settings by clicking on the small downward arrow. Move the pointer over the tab headers to view the attributes on which you can filter elements. Element type, element class, element template, level, color, line style and line weight. Open the level tab, we will select all elements on the levels collectors and arterials and change their…
