From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

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Opening multiple view windows

Opening multiple view windows

- [Instructor] When viewing a design in MicroStation, it is possible to open up to eight view windows. These windows allow the viewing of the design from multiple viewpoints. It's like viewing the active model with eight cameras and watching all displays on the screen at the same time. Each view window has its own view control bar to control what is displayed in that view. A view control operates on the view in which it is selected. In this lesson, you will learn, window arrange and window tile and working in multiple views. Continuing viewing designs that DGN in the element creation model. Open three more views by clicking the two, three and four buttons in the managed view ribbon groups toolbox. This toolbox is displayed by default at the lower left corner of the application window. Hint, if this toolbox is not displayed, press Control + T or select file, settings, user, toolbox and in the toolbox's dialogue, turn on…
