From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

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Extend Line

Extend Line

- [Instructor] The Extended Line tool lets you extend or shorten a line, dynamically or by entering a positive or negative distance. You can find the tool on the Home tab, in the modified group. In this lesson, you will learn about the extend line tool. Continuing and learning dot DGN open the model's dialogue and open the extend line model. For the first exercise, we'll extend the cyan line by an unspecified length, select the extend line tool from the modify group on the home tab. Select the upper end of the line and drag it up some distance and data point. That's all there is to it. Next focusing on the red line, we will extend it to a predetermined distance. In the tool settings window enable the distance tool and set the distance to 15.23. Next select the line near the upper end point and accept with a data point. The line is extended the additional 15.23 units and length we entered. Moving onto the green line…
