From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

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Edit or change text

Edit or change text

- [Instructor] The Edit Text tool, lets you edit existing text. When a text string is selected for editing, it appears in the text editor. In addition to changing the text content, you can also change the text style and a variety of text attributes. Once the changes have been made, click in the view to update the text in the design. In this lesson, you will learn: Edit Text, Match Text Attributes, Change Text Attributes, Find and Replace Text. To control the appearance of texts, you can use Match Text Attributes, which sets the Active Text Attributes to match those of a selected existing text element. Change Text Attributes. This changes the text attributes of selected text elements to the active text attributes. Find and Replace Text. This option allows you to make changes to multiple text instances in one action. You can find all these tools on the annotate text in the text group. Continuing and annotating…
