From the course: How to Overcome a Sales Slump

What’s covered in this course?

From the course: How to Overcome a Sales Slump

What’s covered in this course?

- The top billers in your company, the most successful entrepreneurs, you know, even the sales coaches, you avidly follow online, will all have had a sales slump at some point in their journey. Probably more than once. They'll all have had an empty pipeline with no upcoming opportunities. That biggest deals will have been falling through that have struggled more than normal to cold call, and just felt like the world must be against them, but they've recovered to be in the position that they're in now. So how did they do that? How did they get through these dark patches of their careers when it felt like it was all over. Hi I'm Miles, and I'm a sales coach that helps both new and existing salespeople continue to smash their targets. I've been working in sales for the best part of a decade, and I've experienced sales slumps. I've also seen some of the best salespeople I've ever known go through the same thing. So I was always confident that it wasn't the end. Also known as a sales dry spell or lean spells or ruts or troughs. These are when you go through a period of time when your sales performance is significantly lower, your sales pipeline is significantly smaller or even empty. You're prospecting techniques, such as cold calling or emailing are not paying off. And as a result, your motivation is at an all time low, only making things worse. In this course, we're going to cover the most important questions you need to know to help get back out of this sales slump. Of course, we'll start with what to do right now. How do we stop this downward spiral and get an immediate grip on our sales pipeline again, then we'll cover how we rebuild. Now that we've stopped that downward spiral. How do we look forward and begin to fill our pipeline and start smashing our targets again. And finally, we'll look at how we keep moving forwards. This is an experience we can learn from and come back stronger from. So how do we keep that pipeline full and never let the slump happen again? So please come and join me in this course to get back to winning ways.
