From the course: How to Overcome a Sales Slump

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- So there we have it. You've completed this course on getting out of a sales slump. Hopefully, everything we've discussed has given the inspiration and skills to get out of any trough, lean or dry spell. Just remember, it's not the end, it's just a new obstacle to overcome. Don't give up. Keep your emotions in check and look at the problem subjectively. Find the root cause of the issue and then develop those areas. Make a plan and set a goal, and then break that goal down into daily, weekly, and monthly goals, so it's more digestible. Keep your positive mental affirmation up and celebrate successes as you rebuild, then keep reminding yourself of those goals, recognizing when you achieve them and look after yourself. Please share this course with anyone you think might be struggling or share it with your connections so those suffering silently might find it themselves. As always, thank you for watching my course.…
