From the course: How to Overcome a Sales Slump

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Keep going

Keep going

- Before we finish this course I want to give you a final piece of advice. We've planned it all out here. We've kept our emotions in check. We found the root cause of our shortfalls. We've knuckled down and spoken to our managers, made plans for days, weeks and months. We've built good habits and we've celebrated successes. We've even looked at how we can improve our physical and mental wellbeing to help us succeed at work. But there's a key thing within all of that that you must do, and that's to keep going. The reason the majority of salespeople fail is because they give up. They miss a target or two, they feel they're falling behind, or they just let the pressure get to them, and then they quit. They just go, always thinking that they're bad salespeople and that they couldn't do it. But in reality, if they just stuck with it and got creative with their approach, then they'd be hugely successful. I've always said that…
