From the course: How to Overcome a Sales Slump

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- Next, we need to remember that this entire experience has been a learning experience for us. We found ourselves in that slump, dry spell, trough or whatever it should be referred to as, but we found our way out of it. We put out the immediate fires. We made a plan. We developed ourselves and we pushed forwards until we were back to our winning ways, but it wasn't easy, and it won't be next time. So we need to make sure we do everything in our power not to fall into that slump again. We established that the most likely reason you were in the slump in the first place was because you got comfortable when you were succeeding, which is human. Everybody does it. But we've now experienced the other side and we know how painful it is to get in a slump and have an empty pipeline. We've experienced how hard it was to get out of it, the extra work you've had to put in, the uncomfortable experience of asking for help, the new…
