From the course: Enterprise Architecture in Practice

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Application inventory management

Application inventory management

- [Instructor] Companies the size of Brick and Mortar depend on a lot of technology to do business. It's critical for the business to be able to track its investment in that technology as a set of assets. Assets include physical hardware, like servers, and networking hardware, and logical assets, such as virtual machines and public IP ranges. Intellectual property, in the form of proprietary software, is also an asset. All these assets are combined to support the applications that run a business. One of the most important services provided by enterprise architecture is to maintain a database of applications, an application inventory. An application inventory is a database of relationships. It serves as a single source of truth for all applications in a business and the component parts of each application. Let's use the point-of-sale system as an example. Given its importance, the point-of-sale system is one of the largest…
