From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

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Working with multiple shared sites

Working with multiple shared sites

- In this video, I'd like to consider what happens when you need more than one version of a saved Shared Coordinate System. So consider the scenarios where you want to use the same link more than one time on a site or on a campus. So maybe you're going to have multiple copies of the same building in different locations or in situations where you're considering more than one site for a single building. And you don't want to have to keep resetting and reestablishing the shared coordinates each time you try out a different location, instead you'd rather save those off and give them descriptive names. So in those scenarios, we can actually create more than one saved location. The process to do so in a cloud-based project is just a slight bit more involved than it would be in a local project. So let's go ahead and walk through that process here. So we're going to start off with the existing location that's already here. I am…
