From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

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Creating teams in the ACC Design Collaboration module

Creating teams in the ACC Design Collaboration module

From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

Creating teams in the ACC Design Collaboration module

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to begin setting up the one last major piece of configuration and setup that we need to do for a Design Collaboration based project. And that is setting up the folder structure. Before we can set the team loose and let them begin creating project files, we need to give them a place to store them. We're going to start here in this video and we'll begin the process of creating and building that folder structure and more importantly, assigning the permissions and the access to the various folders. So ultimately what we're looking for is a collection of folders within the project that is organized by discipline, and then we're going to take our project members that we've assigned to our team and assign them to different folders based on their discipline that they belong to the company that they're working for and what their role is, and so on. Now, the first thing you'll probably notice…
