From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

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Understanding and customizing roles

Understanding and customizing roles

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to talk about roles. Now, roles are a way of assigning user permissions to your folder structure. So in the previous video, we turned on teams which created a folder structure for us in our project. And in the next video, we're going to look at assigning permissions to that folder structure to control which individuals have access to each folder and its resources. But in this video, I wanted to talk about one of the ways that you can do that, which is using roles. So think of roles as defining a function for a set of individuals. So we have roles like architect or engineer or BIM manager. And by defining those roles, what we're really doing is defining the function that those individuals serve. And presumably each individual assigned to that role will need access to similar resources therefore they can share a common set of permissions. So, let's start with understanding how we…
