From the course: BIM Collaborate Pro Essential Training

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- [Instructor] If you watch the previous video, then you know that there are two fundamental requirements that we need to be able to begin using Design Collaboration. And that is that we need to be invited to a project and given access to the Design Collaboration module, but we also need a subscription with an entitlement to that same module. Now, the subscription would either be BIM Collaborate or BIM Collaborate Pro. Now for the users in this course, I'm going to assume they need BIM Collaborate Pro because they're going to want to ultimately use Revit or Civil 3D to be able to interact with the project. But either one would give us access to the web-based version of Design Collaboration. But we need to have both of those things in place before a user can fully participate. So I'm here in the account admin page for my company here. And this is the account that I've been working on throughout the last several videos. And I'm…
