From the course: Building and Managing a Cybersecurity Program

Protect against cyberattacks

- When you're building (soft, upbeat music) a cybersecurity program, you've got all these requirements from different people. You have customers who want their data safeguarded, regulators who want to see that laws are followed, and your own corporate assets that need to be protected. That's a lot of different stakeholders, and you need to be able to harmonize and prioritize everything coming at you. In this course, I'll teach you a practical managerial approach building and operating your cyber security program. I'll show you a way that will be data driven and biased towards action. I'm Kip Boyle, and I'm the founder and Chief Information Security Officer at Cyber Risk Opportunities. This means we orchestrate people, procedures, and policy with technology. So if you want to stay ahead of the cyber criminals, you've come to the right place. Let's get going.
