From the course: Building and Managing a Cybersecurity Program

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Construct an annual program of work

Construct an annual program of work

- [Instructor] In order to maximize your information security program's effectiveness, you'll need to make sure it grows and changes in response to its environment, and the best way to do that is by establishing an annual program of work. Operating your information security program will demand a lot of your attention. Without excellent planning, prioritization, and execution, you'll be so busy responding to problems there won't be time available to make useful changes to your own program. The context in which your information security program operates will change constantly due to forces such as your organization's goals and objectives, changes in the way the organization serves its customers and generates revenue, new legal and regulatory requirements, changes in the threat landscape, and the size and structure of your organization. The best way I have found to keep up is to make and follow an annual program of work.…
