From the course: Building and Managing a Cybersecurity Program

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Communicate with executives

Communicate with executives

- [Narrator] Your boss and executives have three big communication needs from you on an ongoing basis. They need to know the current status so they aren't surprised by bad news, and so they can get you the resources and the cooperation of other teams. And because they own the risks you are managing, they need you to bring risk decisions that are high priority, timely, and actionable. Finally, they need to be able to tell the organization's cybersecurity story to various people, sometimes on the spur of the moment. Let me give you some general guidance on how to meet these three needs. First, find ways for your program to help your boss and executives achieve their goals. If they want to increase productivity, be sure to highlight what your program is doing to help, but don't compromise the integrity of your program to do it. Also, find out how they want you to communicate with them. You can ask directly or figure it out…
