From the course: Building and Managing a Cybersecurity Program

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Build a team

Build a team

- [Facilitator] It takes careful thought and disciplined execution to assemble the right people in the correct positions to support your program. Let's go through the process of discovering who you need, what they will do, and where they will work. The first step is to figure out what activities need to be done and how often. Start by considering your program goals. Then factor in existing organizational policies and established practices. Next, consider cultural boundaries and risk tolerances. You may need to interview several people to discover all these things. If you don't already know, find out from your supervisor if you have an annual budget and a specific limit on your payroll for the number of people you can have on staff. Hopefully, your supervisor will let your analysis determine those numbers, but this process can work either way. Now, describe the outcomes and activities required to achieve your goals, and…
