7 sports to try with your family this summer
7 sports to try with your family this summer: Sports day.

1. Park Run

A simple but fun activity to get you and the kids active is running. Park Run events are free and they usually run every Saturday morning in local parks, they are a fantastic way to build up fitness while enjoying the outdoors together. The Junior Park Run is 2km and is for ages 4-14 and you can run alongside your child. Visit the Park Run website to find your local event. 

2. Skateboarding and roller sports

Roller sports are a great way to help develop co-ordination and balance skills. Whether you're on a skateboard, roller skates, rollerbladers or a scooter you and the kids can all get out together and practice your skills. Flat smooth surfaces are great for all skating so investigate your local parks for the best surfaces. The Skateparks Project website has a park finder to help find suitable places. 

You could also look for an indoor venue, many sport centres have roller disco sessions for aged 4 and up, and if you have a toddler check with the centre if you can push them around in their buggy. 

3. Dancing

You don't need to be the best dancer in the world to have fun following a dance routine, you just need a space to dance in and music with a good beat. If you're feeling confident you can teach your kids your own routine, but if you need a little help you could learn the dance moves with Cat from Magic Door, or search the internet to find video tutorials and learn a different dance routine together. 

If dancing turns out to be something you love doing together you can find a local dance group for parents and kids. 

4. Miniature golf or driving range

Playing miniature golf together can be very fun, it can help children to concentration and focus, improve their hand-eye co-ordination, teach them to follow rules and be respectful of others on the course. If you are looking for a more advanced experience why not search for your local driving range, many golf clubs have a driving range open to the public, without needing to be a member of the club.

For more information about getting your kids into golf visit the England Golf website

Kids playing mini golf and at a driving range.

5. Yoga

Yoga is great to try as a family, you don't need a big space or much equipment. There are many different styles of yoga to try, with varying levels of difficulty but all involve holding poses, meditation and controlled breathing. Yoga is perfect for increasing fitness, flexibility or just a way to relax and once you know a few poses you can practice together, anywhere. You can look for local family yoga sessions or find a free yoga class online to enjoy together. 

6. Badminton

Badminton is a great racket sport, the rackets are lightweight and easy for children to get to grips with. You can play in a sports hall, your back garden or on the park, it's a great summer sport for the family. All you need is a couple of rackets, a shuttlecock and something to mark out the court. Playing badminton will get you moving and help to develop coordination, agility and balance. 

7. Do your own sports day

This might take a bit more planning but you can keep the children entertained for hours with lots of different events throughout the day. See what equipment you have around the house and make games, races or challenges. Egg and spoon race, throw the ball in the bucket, running race, hula hoop challenge even a space hopper race if you have them.

Give them stickers or well done cards for each event, you could even make some treats to celebrate at the end of the day. Visit BBC Good Food for some sports day refreshment tips. 

Visit the Change4Life website to find more information on sports and activities and great ideas for accessible activities

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