Help your child to chill out
Little girl playing with bubbles

CBeebies Daydreams is an hour-long journey to relaxation for children. It is a collection of beautiful, "slow TV" style shots and relaxing sounds designed to help little ones unwind.

You’re never too young to benefit from taking time out to notice the world, and the show is made with that in mind.

Watch these clips from CBeebies Daydreams to see the world through a toddler’s eyes, and check out our ideas for more chilled-out family fun…


Get outside

Head outdoors on a walk with your little ones, even if it’s just up and down your own street. Ask them what they can see, hear and smell - it could be birds, crunchy leaves, splashy puddles, or even lawn mowers and cars. Look at things in a new light and you might just see something you’ve never noticed before.

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Check out some exciting ideas for outdoor adventures with your little ones.


Sensory play

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates a child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. It’s an important part of child development, and helps little ones relax and be present. Sensory play doesn’t have to be messy or complicated - there are lots of household objects with interesting textures, smells and sounds that your little ones will love exploring.

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Try this: Fill a recycled sandwich bag with paint, shaving foam, or even slime. Seal it up and let your child play with and manipulate it. Ask them to describe how it feels as they squeeze it or draw shapes in it with their fingers.

Learn how to make your own slime.


Get arty

Doing arts and crafts with your little ones is a great way to slow down and focus on something together. Don’t worry about the mess or the end result, just enjoy getting creative together and see where their imagination takes you.

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Make your own suncatcher

Read more about how art benefits children


Lead by example

Have a set amount of time every day where you put away technology. Spend time together doing something you enjoy, and give each other your full attention. Resist the urge to check your phone or take photos during this time.

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Learn more techniques for helping children to relax


Be thankful

At bedtime, take five minutes to talk about the good things that have happened today. This can help little ones appreciate the positive things in their life rather than focusing on what they don’t have, or worrying about what may or may not happen in the future.

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Try this: Make a ‘happiness jar’ with your little ones. Every day think of something that made you both happy, write it on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. At the end of every week or month you can read over these happy memories. It’s a nice end to the day to stop and focus on the positives.


Help your little ones to wind down with CBeebies Daydreams

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