Five reasons to sing with your child
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Read below to learn more about why it's so good for you, and sing along with some of your favourite CBeebies friends!


Singing makes you happy

Singing out loud releases feel-good hormones called endorphins that make you feel happy and positive. There is also a tiny part of your inner ear, called the sacculus, that releases even more happy hormones when it’s stimulated by music. So turn up the volume and belt out your favourite tune!

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Sing along to Now I'm Laughing with Justin for an instant happiness boost!


Singing helps you get healthy

Not only is it good for your mental health and mood, but research has shown that singing can actually help build your immune system. And did you know that singing is also an aerobic activity? It forces us to breathe deeply, which draws more oxygen into our bodies. This then travels all around our bloodstreams and even oxygenates our brains.

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Get the oxygen flowing with this new version of an old classic.


Singing teaches communication skills

Singing to babies prepares them for communicating later in life as it helps them get used to the structure and inflections of their native language. For toddlers and children, singing strengthens their lips and tongues which encourages clear speaking, and also expands their vocabulary and teaches them about creative language and rhyme.

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Sing and wave along with Chris and Pui!


Singing helps with brain development

Learning to sing along with your favourite songs is a great way to build up your memory, as you recall lyrics and tunes - just think of how many songs you know off by heart without even trying! Singing as part of a group, such as a choir or a class, or even just with your family, can also build up your concentration and stamina as you try to keep in tune and follow the pace of the group.

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Can you keep up with Justin and Robert in the Robot Rhythm Song?


Don’t forget the actions!

Action songs are a brilliant way to develop your child's co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills, as well as their ability to concentrate and focus. Something that might seem simple to you, such as doing the actions to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, can be a real challenge for little ones to master.

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Try practicing your lizard moves with this funky new song from Ferne and Rory!


Check out Sing With CBeebies on BBC iPlayer for even more new songs from your CBeebies friends!

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