Fun exercises to do at home with kids
Exercise at home with children.

Yoga for you and the kids

Yoga is great to try as a family, you don't need a big space or much equipment. There are many different styles of yoga to try, with varying levels of difficulty but all involve holding poses, meditation and controlled breathing. Yoga is perfect for increasing fitness, flexibility or just a way to relax and once you know a few poses you can practice together, anywhere. You can find a lot of great yoga videos for kids online for you to try together.

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Rebecca, JoJo & Gran Gran show you how to do some Yoga moves.

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Yoga with Rebecca and Duggee, you can watch and join in!

Workout with Andy

Have fun with Andy as you learn some fun animal moves that he has learnt on his travels across the world. This is a fun way to include exercise into your daily routine at home. With ten episodes available on BBC iPlayer you have plenty of workouts to choose from. 

Andy Day wearing a blue t-shirt with a pink sweatband on his head and one on each wrist.

Balloon ball keepy uppies!

You can have endless fun playing with balloons; catch, tennis and seeing how long you can keep it off the ground. Just like Bluey and Bingo

Exercise at home with children.

Dance with your CBeebies friends

Get dancing to these Swashbuckle bangers and have a party! You can also have fun playing musical chairs or play the Bluey party freeze game with Evie, Bluey and Bingo. 

And if that wasn't enough dancing check out Oti's Boogie Beebies on BBC iPlayer for more dance moves!

Exercise at home with children.

Recycling bowling

Use your empty bottles that are ready to be recycled to create an amazing bowling game! If you have ten bottles you can make a triangle with one bottle at the front, then two, then three and the back row of four bottles, but you can play with however many bottle you have. Use a tennis ball, or soft ball to roll at the bottles and see how many you can knock down with each roll. If you want to keep score, note down how many each person knocks down on their go. 

Exercise at home with children.

Play the animal relay game

Run around your living room while doing impressions of different animals! Waddle like a penguin, jump like a frog or hop like a rabbit. You could ask your little ones to list all the animals they know and write them down on some paper, fold up the paper and take it in turns to choose one, then you can to do impressions of that animal. 

Exercise at home with children.

Tidy up racing

After all the fun and games, put on a song and see who can tidy up before it finishes! 

Exercise at home with children.

Looking for more activities to do with the kids?

Get bird spotting with your little one

Things to do indoors with your children

Five tips to teach your child to cycle

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