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General guidelines for creating triggers

Triggers are the conditions that cause tags to fire. A basic example of a trigger is a click on any HTML element of type button.

You may also create triggers based on CSS selectors:

CSS selector



Track clicks on elements with the class btn

.btn, .btn-large

Track clicks on elements with the class btn , and elements with class .btn-large


Track clicks on elements with both btnand btn-largeclasses


Tracks all buttons with the type attribute set to submit

We don't have strict standards around triggers at this time, though we can provide some guidelines on creating them.

  • Be careful about which selectors you use for triggers. If a class is applied liberally to your markup, Tag Manager will pick up clicks to all of them.

  • If URLs change frequently, you may wish to avoid tying a trigger to a page by URL. If you can push a unique identifier into the dataLayer, your triggers will be less likely to break.

  • If markup changes frequently, you may wish to ask developers to add a persistent ID you can hook into for key elements

  • The difference between the "All elements" and "All links" trigger is that the latter will walk up the DOM to look for the nearest a element, while the latter will focus only on elements that contain exactly the selector you assigned

Last updated