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COVID-19 Testing Dashboard and “trail map”


This document outlines the metrics found in the Massachusetts COVID-19 Testing dashboard, the context for each metric, and why these metrics matter to the dashboard’s audience. This document serves as a history of the changes made, and describes the "trail map" of future enhancements and fixes.

The dashboard is primarily concerned with data about /covid-19-testing, though it includes one time on page metric for /info-details/about-covid-19-testing,

Dashboard audience

We produced this dashboard for a few stakeholders at DPH, along with their partners at McKinsey. It measures the impact of a campaign they are running to raise awareness about COVID-19 testing. They want to know if people are engaging with the pages, at what rate, and if their campaigns are driving “successful” sessions.

Metrics and context

Below, we outline the metrics of each page of the dashboard along with context for why they matter to the audience.

Dashboard filters

On every page of this dashboard you will see filters that let you change:

  • The time range that charts and tables are set to (default time range is set to this month to date)

  • Device category (e.g.. mobile, desktop, or tablet)

  • Source of traffic (e.g. Google, Bing, (direct), etc)

Page 1 - Traffic and sources

Total views and sessions

This line chart shows the total number pageviews and sessions by day for the date range selected.

Source and medium

This pie chart shows the sources and medium of traffic coming to the /covid-19-testing promotional page for the date range selected.

Referral traffic

This table shows where traffic to the /covid-19-testing page is coming from when traffic is identified as a referral source for the selected date range. Referral traffic refers to when another website “refers”, or links, to your site. This usually excludes advertising channels and organic traffic.

Campaign traffic

This pie chart drills down to the types of advertising or social campaigns that are driving traffic to the /covid-19-testing page for the date range selected.

Page 1 context

This page gives a high-level overview of the amount and types of traffic that are coming to the /covid-19-testing page. Content editors will be able to get a high-level idea of how much traffic is being driven and by what sources. This could help them explore different targeting methods for their campaign or other areas to broadcast this information that they might not have considered, as well as judge how successful they’ve been in driving traffic to the page.

Page 2 - Engagement

Events summary (i.e. user interactions)

These 4 scorecards show the totals for 4 types of actions users took on the page for the selected time frame. Each scorecard also features a line graph that shows the trend of events by day as well as a comparison of total events to the previous period. The 4 events we’re tracking are::

  • YouTube video interactions

  • Key message button clicks

  • Featured items button clicks

  • Eject events

This section also includes a table that shows each event (event action), what device the user was using when the event occurred, and the total number of clicks (or interactions) each event had per device for the selected data range.

Video events by device

This section focuses on the YouTube video interaction events that occurred by device for the selected date range.

The table shows the number of video plays, watching the video through 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and watching the video all the way to the end by device.

The pie chart summarizes the table, showing the total interactions for each device.

Page 2 context

This page gives content editors insight into how people interact with /covid-19-testing and from what devices they are doing so. This knowledge may help content editors target campaign messaging better by aiming for places and times where people are most likely to be on the devices that lead to the most interactions with the content.

Previous Mass.gov page

This table shows the previous page users were on before they came to the /covid-19-testing page as well as the number of pageviews that resulted on the /covid-19-testing page from that particular path. As a note, (entrance) simply means that users came directly from a source beyond Mass.gov.

Average time on pages

These two scorecards show the total Average Time on Page that users spent on the /covid-19-testing page and the /info-details/about-covid-19-testing page for the date range selected. Each scorecard shows a comparison to the previous time period as well as a simplified line graph showing the trend of Average Time on Page for each day.

People who view /covid-19-testing also viewed…

This table shows other pages that were in the same session where users viewed the /covid-19-testing page and the number of unique pageviews for each page within the same session for the selected date range.

Exit pages for sessions including /covid-19-testing

This table shows the pages where people left the Mass.gov site for the selected time period. It’s filtered to include only sessions where someone visited /covid-19-testing. It also shows the number of pageviews of the page that people were on when they exited the site.

Page 3 context

The intention of this page is to help content editors see the other ways users who viewed the /covid-19-testing page interact with other areas of Mass.gov and surface the types of content and topics they are interested in. Basically, this page shows where users came from when they viewed the /covid-19-testing page, how long they stayed on that page, other areas of the site they viewed, and what page they were on when they left Mass.gov.

Trail Map

Last updated