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COVID-19 mass.gov vaccine dashboard


This dashboard shows data about a collection of vaccine content, including a COVID-19 vaccine promotional page and its ecosystem of content; a MyMaps Google Map which shows locations where people can get vaccines; an eligibility-checker form, which is being used on the foremost item in this list to help people determine if they may get a vaccine; and an attestation form, which (I think) is being used for people to affirm their identity, at least insofar as it is relevant to being vaccine-eligible.

We made it because Mimi was reporting all this data to the Department of Public Health (DPH), and we wanted to turn a daily PowerPoint into a self-service tool.

  • The eligibility checker responses spreadsheets are in a COVID-19 eligible checker folder, which Mimi owns

  • Attestation Formstack form (must be an admin to view; ask Andy or Mimi if you don't have access...that said, it has personal data, so please don't view unless you have to)

  • Vaccine map (don't touch unless you know you need to!)

  • Map traffic (last sheet "MAP VIEWS"--though this has not been updated since March)

Page 1: Vaccine content traffic and map views

In the top right is a scorecard of traffic to the map. This data comes from the vaccine map and has to be manually entered into the MAP VIEWS tab on the vaccine data spreadsheet. We stopped doing this in March.

The rest of the data on this page comes from Google Analytics and describes traffic to the /covid-19-vaccine promotional page (upper left), all covid-19 related pages (the middle part), and all mass.gov pages (the bottom part).

Except for the "all Mass.gov" visualizations, each chart has a filter. These will need to be updated if we change or add buttons, or if the destination URLs change.

/covid-19-vaccine promotional page has a filter of nodeid=554171

all covid-19 related pages have a filter of node id RegEx Match ^558981$|^559031$|^559716$|^560996$|^561011$|^562371$|^562376$|^562916$|^563911$|^563921$|^564856$|^565751$|^554201$|^554211$|^554216$|^558976$|^558181$^558251$|^558751$|^560761$|^561521$|^562086$|^562091$|^563136$|^563536$|^565701$|^566956$|^567031$|^567426$|^567551$|^545696$|^554161$|^554781$|^555951$|^563176$|^554131$|^554596$|^554171$|^554576$|^557596$|^559931$|^560251$|^560416$|^560546$|^562881$|^563131$|^563966$|^565386$

Page 2: mass.gov/COVID-19-vaccine page click-throughs

The top 2 tables show total clicks and click-throughs for each of the major links on the promotional page. The table at the bottom of the page is a catch-all for link clicks. It'll have historical data as well as data for any links we've added but haven't built scorecards for.

The data for this page comes from Google Analytics.

Page 3: mass.gov/COVID-19-vaccine page traffic, acquisition, and users

This page shows where people come from, what sources and referral sources bring them to the vaccine promo page, and what pages on mass.gov they visited before they get it.

The data for this page comes from Google Analytics.

Page 4: Age and Device by users

The top 2 graphs compare the ages of users who visit /covid-19-vaccine promotional page to those who visit any page on Mass.gov. The bottom pie chart and tables show what device type, which device brand and desktop browser people use when they visit.

The data for this page comes from Google Analytics.

Page 5: Eligibility checker - phase 1 and 2

This page reports on the COVID-19 vaccination eligible checker forms. It's built from the eligibility checker responses spreadsheet. (Ask Mimi if you need access.) It shows the total number of responses and data from those responses from 1/31/2021 to 4/4/2021. The scorecard at the top shows volumes of forms submitted each day. The rest of the tables on the page break out the answers to the questions on the form.

Page 6: Eligibility checker - phase 3

This page shows the responses to the second version of COVID-19 vaccination eligible checker form which only contains 3 questions, from 4/4/2021 to 4/19/2021.

Last updated