element."> element.">Documentation: <amp-dynamic-css-classes> - amp.dev
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Adds several dynamic CSS class names onto the <body> element.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-dynamic-css-classes" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-dynamic-css-classes-0.1.js"></script>


The AMP Dynamic CSS Classes extension adds the following CSS classes onto the <body> element:


One or more referrer classes will be set, one for each level of subdomain specificity. For example, www.google.com will add three classes: amp-referrer-www-google-com, amp-referrer-google-com, and amp-referrer-com.

We currently have a few special cases:

  • When the user came through a Twitter t.co short link, we instead use twitter.com as the referrer.
  • When the string "Pinterest" is present in the User Agent string and there is no referrer, we use www.pinterest.com as the referrer.


The amp-viewer class will be set if the current document is being displayed inside a Viewer.

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