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Screenshot of Campmor E-Commerce Site.


AMP Camp

AMP shines for content pages. But it can also power e-commerce experiences.

To learn more, we built a simple yet fully functional e-commerce site of our very own! Check out the site, and look at the code to learn about the best practices we discovered to build a great interactive experience on your domain and on AMP caches alike.

Magazine article

Breaking the status quo

This example of magazine article demonstrates how to build an immersive reading experience by adding animations that enhance the written content on the page.

amp-position-observer in combination with amp-animation allows a smooth "scrolly-telling" experience with minimal effort and without any custom JavaScript.

Band page

Olga and the kings

Always thought that all AMP pages look the same? Checkout this incredible band website featuring various AMP components to create a vivid and enjoyable experience.

The use of amp-sidebar gives you the same feeling as if you are in a single page app.