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Integrates with Scroll membership.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-access-scroll" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-access-scroll-0.1.js"></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-access-scroll" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-access-scroll-0.1.js"></script>


Lets sites in the Scroll network identify Scroll members in order to serve them an ad-free, directly-monetized experience.


In <head>, add

<script id="amp-access" type="application/json">
  "vendor": "scroll",
  "namespace": "scroll"

Be sure not to add a trailing comma to the namespace line, which makes it invalid JSON!

If you are already using amp-access for a paywall, follow the steps in the amp-access documentation for using namespaces and an array of providers.

Make each ad conditional

Add an amp-access attribute to each ad container.

<div class="amp-ad-container" amp-access="NOT scroll.scroll">
  <amp-ad... >

Learn more at https://developer.scroll.com/amp.


See amp-access-scroll rules in the AMP validator specification.

Need more help?

You've read this document a dozen times but it doesn't really cover all of your questions? Maybe other people felt the same: reach out to them on Stack Overflow.

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