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SenpAI uses Google Ads and YouTube audience targeting to increase web traffic and drive sales.


conversions from a single video


month-over-month increase in web traffic and revenue


SenpAI is a desktop gaming assistant designed to elevate the performance of PC gamers. As a growing startup, they needed to raise brand awareness and drive customers to their business.

Goals: Awareness, Consideration


After using Google Ads to increase web traffic and revenue, SenpAI decided to turn to YouTube to see if they could reach more of their audience. The company optimized their YouTube ads with custom intent audiences, allowing them to target users with videos featuring their favorite games and identify which live streamers were most relevant to their user base.

While using Google products, we have managed to understand our user behaviors much better. … The breakthrough for us was finding out that our audience was using a lot of YouTube.

Get started with YouTube Ads

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