From the course: 3ds Max: 3D Camera Techniques for ArchViz

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The importance of storyboards

The importance of storyboards

- [Instructor] When you start working on a visualization project, it is always a good idea to storyboard that project. So let's take a look at storyboarding. Now what is a storyboard? Well, it's a document composed of multiple images, and each image represents a specific shot in the movie. Now we can also add descriptions, narration, and camera instructions, and then these images and descriptions are sequenced to represent how the movie will be cut. And it creates a visual representation of your final product. Now, first and foremost, storyboards are a visualization tool. They help us to see what the final project will look like before we start serious work. Now storyboards are usually created on what are called storyboard sheets. There are many, many types of storyboard sheets, but this is a very simple example. Now we take these sheets, and we fill them with images, descriptions, and camera directions. So the…
