From the course: 3ds Max: 3D Camera Techniques for ArchViz

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Camera setup for rotation

Camera setup for rotation

- [Instructor] When we animate rotation on cameras to create effects such as pan and tilt, we need to make sure that the camera is set up properly. We have to manipulate the camera along the proper coordinate system as well as set up what's called the rotation order of the camera so that the rotations are calculated properly. So let's take a look at coordinate systems. Now, this is something you're probably familiar with. We have our camera here. So I'm going to go ahead into the top-right viewport here. And let's just do a select camera. And we should be able to select CAM_002. And it's this one right here. Now, if we go into rotation mode here you'll see that we have a number of different coordinates it assumes we can use. And you're probably familiar with these if you've ever used 3ds Max. So we have world coordinates, which basically aligns the rotation to the world, not the object. And this is really not what we want…
