From the course: 3ds Max: 3D Camera Techniques for ArchViz

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Animating cameras using targets

Animating cameras using targets

- Another popular way to animate cameras is to use targets. Now this can be a simpler way to animate complex moves and maybe actually easier than animating individual perimeters. So we're pretty familiar with camera targets by now or at least should be. So this particular camera has a target. So I've got Physical Camera 001, and I have it in this viewport. And if I want to I can select that camera target, and basically the camera just points wherever that target is located. So when can use this as an animation tool. So let's go ahead and move this target somewhere in the middle of the building. And if we select this camera, so again Physical Camera 001, and turn on Auto Key, we can scrub forward to say frame 120. And we can simply move that camera up and it will be pointed at that target. So we can get our overheard view very simply by doing this sort of move. Now one of the things about moving a camera that's pointed…
