From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code

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Source control

Source control

- [Instructor] Besides the built-in options for staging and in committing, the source control panel gives you the fullest extent of all the git commands in a single place. So once again, I'm going to make some changes here. I'll just undo the changes from the previous video and now you can see that it's showing me that I have one file that has changed. Let's go ahead and change another one. So I'm usually changing this index file and I'm going to put an ampersand here. So I'm going to make another change, and as soon as I save that it's letting me know that there's two files. Let's go to the source control panel and I'll show you that there is a lot of power in a lot of utilities here. Now you've seen that I have a section right here with the changes that I've made showing me all the files as well as what type of updates have been changed by these letters right here. And if you roll over these letters you'll…
